Parents and Carers Gateway
The Department is actively promoting a family friendly environment, and encourages a good work-life balance whether you have family or caring responsibilities or not. As part of this inclusive approach the Department offers part time, flexible working and teleworking policies, as well as University policies on family leave (maternity, paternity, adoption and parental leave).
The intention of this page is to provide you with links to all the information and resources, in one place, which may be useful to you if you are considering starting a family, are expecting, are new parents or have children of any age or if you are a carer. This page also provides you with a link to ParentsNet, an MSD forum for parents to share their experiences and find a place to exchange goods and ideas alike.
NDM's Athena SWAN - find out about Athena SWAN within NDM, our initiatives and plans.
Family friendly policies - The Nuffield Department of Medicine is actively promoting the provision of a family friendly working environment. The University of Oxford recognises the demands on work life balance and offers a range of family friendly policies and practices.
New to the UK - for new members of staff who are coming to work for the University from overseas to help you with many practical issues, including information about schools and doctors.
Oxfordshire Family Information Services - for a wide breadth of information, resources and support available to parents and carers.