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Staff Surveys


Regular surveys have been conducted since 2012, to target specific areas under investigation during any given review period, to identify areas where good progress is being made as well as those where further work may be required. In 2016 the University launched the first institutional bi-annual University Staff Experience Survey. The bi-annual survey contains fixed, standardised questions which allows for benchmarking both within and outside of the University. The data is used at a University level to advance initiatives such as those addressing race and gender equality. The second University Staff Experience Survey took place during 2018, and the third in 2021. Within NDM, we use the data from the surveys to underpin the development of initiatives and to evaluate the success of our action plans and targeted projects.  


2022 NDM Staff Survey

The 2022 NDM Staff Survey launched on 29 November 2022, and closed on 23 December 2022.  All staff received an email from the Head of Department with a link to the survey.  The survey data is currently being analyzed, and the results will be shared later this year. The information from the survey will be used to shape the future of the department and improve its support for you and your colleagues. The feedback provided is vital to our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) work, including Athena Swan, and many of our actions and initiatives are developed as a result of your comments and feedback. The question set is largely comprised of University standardised questions allowing us to compare directly to previous years data and track changes over time. We added in some targeted questions to evaluate the success of specific initiatives and EDI targets. The data gathered through the survey will allow us to provide meaningful tracking on areas where we have made changes, it will inform future action and underpin our next Athena Swan application (Sept 2023) and Action Plan.


2021 Survey

The University Staff Experience Survey was originally planned to launch in 2020, but was delayed until 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was decided not to delay for a further year, but to continue with the launch of the survey during 2021, despite the on-going pandemic. It is recognised that experiences are likely to be very different during this challenging time. However, it was felt important to gather information about staff experiences during this time, with the intention to learn from these experiences and make improvements where we can.

Survey Results

The University has published the overall 2018 survey results in the University Staff Experience Survey 2018 Report. More information and summary data at University level for the 2021 University Staff Experience Survey can be found on the Staff Experience Survey 2021 webpages of the University's Equality and Diversity Unit. 

Summaries of the survey data for NDM can be found on our internal pages below, so you will either need to be on a networked computer (within the University) or be on VPN to access it: 

Although the reports above provide some overall summary data, small dedicated teams look at the data in a detailed way and use it, as well as other sources, to underpin the development and implementation of action plans and targeted projects.