Action Plan Progress
In November 2017 we submitted an application for the renewal of our Silver Level Athena SWAN Award - 2017 Athena SWAN Application. The application process provided us with a framework to review and map the significant progress that we have made so far since the start of our formal Athena SWAN work. It also provided us the opportunity to plan for further improvements, with the development and submission of what was originally a 4 year Action Plan. Since it’s launch in November 2017, we are working on the achievement of the targets detailed in that action plan and the implementation of initiatives that will bring about further real change to the benefit of all our staff and students. |
Image provided by NDM Athena SWAN Self-Assessment Team Chair, Philippa Matthews (2018) |
On 30 June 2021, Advance HE launched the new transformed UK Athena Swan Charter, following the independent review of Athena Swan, published in 2020. With the transformed Charter come changes in principles, award criteria, application forms, data requirements, application and review panel processes, including changes to award lengths and submission deadlines. The Action Plan is a live document that is adapted and extended as required. The dynamic state of the Action Plan means that it doesn't remain in date for long, but the March 2022 update is provided here - Athena Swan Action Plan can be found here.
At the completion of our current 5 year review period, we will have to submit another application. Part of that application will need to include reference to how successful we have been in reaching our planned targets. It is therefore essential that we maintain a record of the progress we make across the department on our action plan against the evaluation measures. We have fantastic commitment from across the whole department to the achievement of this aim. Your NDM EDI Committee, Working Groups, Business Managers, HR teams and the NDMS team are all working to ensure that our action plan is implemented successfully and the impact is evaluated. It is a fluid, evolving process, where we adapt our targets based on data analysis and the feedback from our staff and students. Our Action Plan is very much a live document, which we update as we progress through the review period.
For any queries, to provide updates on work happening within your group/unit or for additional feedback please contact the NDM EDI Facilitator (