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Personal Development Review (PDR)

PDRs in NDM are completed on the SIMITIVE platform        simitive logo.jpg

personal development

The PDR is a process of self-reflection and assessment, with the aim of identifying training and development needs as well as setting agreed objectives for the period to follow. The Department’s PDR scheme is underpinned by a set of principles agreed by the Personnel Committee and supported by  People & Organisational Development (POD).

Personal - it is about the person and helps integrate individual aspirations and capabilities with the needs of the University and the challenges of the role. But it also covers performance expectations, through the development and achievement of objectives;

Development - it is about the development or changes needed to enable individuals to do their job well and to develop their potential, if they want; and to discuss any career aspirations that the reviewee wants to share;

Review - it looks backward to review past achievements and reflect on lessons learned and then looks forward to planning the year to come.

Following feedback from staff surveys and Athena Swan working groups, NDM has taken the decision to move to an annual completion date of 30 June each year for all PDRs in the department. The PDR completion window will be open from now until 30 June 2023.

  • A PDR does not need to be carried out for staff on probation, or students.
  • For staff that recently completed probation, the first PDR will be due 12 months following the final probation meeting.

Career Development Review (Research Staff only)

The CDR conversation is an opportunity for you to take a constructive and proactive approach to progressing your professional development. In NDM, this conversation is included within the PDR process and you will find this in the 'Looking Forward' section of your Simitive form. CDR guidance notes and a career conversation planner are available in the 'Key Downloads' to the right of this page.  This guidance may be useful in identifying experience and skills which could contribute to your progress. Further details can be found on the central University pages here.

If you have any questions regarding your PDR, please contact: Sarah Spruytenburg on ext 12922 or Lois Nicholas on ext 12946 or email:

For Experimental Medicine PDR queries, contact