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NDM Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

We have made progress around equality, diversity and inclusion, with a variety of successful initiatives, but there is more we can do to promote and accelerate change. We need your help to make that happen. We would like to develop a core set of priorities over the next few years, and would like your involvement in the identification and prioritisation of key issues. As well as using the data we gather through the staff and student surveys, we would like to invite all members of NDM to provide feedback on where you feel we need to focus and share ideas on what action you think could really work. Please answer the questions below to provide feedback. You can answer anonymously should you wish. Alternatively, if you are happy to be involved in any follow up conversations please leave your name and e-mail address.

Please ensure no one individual can be identified in your answers. When you press ‘send’ this form will be sent to the NDM EDI Facilitator, and may be shared with the Head of HR for NDM. Responses will be anonymised before being shared with the EDI Committee or EDI working groups and any identifying text will be removed.

Your feedback

Thank you for your time and your feedback.