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The 13th – 19th March 2023 marks Neurodiversity Celebration Week. At NDM, we want to take this opportunity to share the University resources surrounding neurodiversity and the support available to neurodivergent colleagues.

Equality, diversity and inclusion


**Workshop** NDM will be hosting a Neurodiversity Awareness course, facilitated by Health Management on 25th April 2023, 1pm-5pm. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. To reserve your place, please contact If there is significant interest in this course, we will look to run the session again so please do express your interest if you would like to attend.

General Information and Resources

Neurodivergent conditions and how to support staff and students

Training – An e-learning course introducing Neurodiversity

Webinar about Neurodiversity and Intersectionality

Support for Neurodivergent Staff

Information, support and guidance for neurodivergent staff

The University’s Staff Disability Advisor offers advice, support and guidance to any member of disabled staff, including those with neurodivergent conditions. Occupational Health can also provide support.

Disabled Staff Network  for staff with a disability or long-term health condition. Currently the network exists as a University-managed mailing list, however work is underway to relaunch the network as a more interactive and peer-support focused community space. 

Neurodiversity at Oxford Project offers staff and students a rich set of resources and activities for information, support, building social and professional networks, and mentoring for neurodivergent graduate students and staff. 

NDM HR are available to offer support and advice.