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We are pleased to announce the launch of NDM’s online Personal Development Review (PDR) system, provided by Simitive.

The introduction of the new system supports the University and Department’s commitment to enable staff to achieve both their work goals and their potential. Annual PDR meetings provide dedicated and protected time for open discussion and have benefits for both managers and team members.  This is an excellent opportunity to review all our hard work over the past year and to plan for the coming months. 

The new system is now open and be accessed here via your single sign-on details.  We have decided to move to a single deadline for PDR completion, which is 30th June.  Further information about NDM PDRs, including user guides can be found on the HR website: Personal Development Review (PDR) — Working for NDM (

All questions regarding the PDR process should be addressed to the NDM HR Learning and Development Team or for Experimental Medicine to their HR team.