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1. Request
  •  New request arises for an overseas working arrangement of any duration.
  • This may be at the request of an employee or line manager, or recruitment stage.

2. Business

  • This applicant completes this Departmental application form and, if the duration of the assignment exceeds
    the thresholds as described by the University, Section 1 of the University application form.
  • The Business Manager signs both forms to agree support in principle for the working arrangement and confirms
    the support of both the Unit Director and (if funded by GL) the DFO.

3. Expert

  • Following the assessment, and subject to continued support from the BM, Unit Director and DFO, the BM submits all relevant documentation to the NDM HR sub-committee.
  • Subject to support of the HR sub-committee, the application can then be submitted to the NDM HOD for approval.


  • The Business manager submits the University application form to the Tax team, to enable a formal assessment to be made of the costs associated with the proposed arrangement.
  • The Business Manager should also seek to identify additional (non-tax related) measures required to support
    the arrangement, as listed in the University process (e.g.: pension, insurance, risk assessment).

Departmental review of Overseas Working Arrangements form