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work-life balance

NDM recognises the conflicting demands on life and is committed to helping staff achieve a positive work-life balance. If you are concerned about your work-life balance you should first establish what key barriers are preventing you from achieving this.

The interactive chart below is designed to direct you to the various resources available within NDM and the University.Use the chart to guide you in thinking about all the different aspects of your work and home life and identify what is important to you and what could be improved.

If you have concerns about your role and workload, then you can use the chart to find information on how to address this, for example in your personal development review meeting with your group leader/ line manager. Similarly, if you feel that your work-life balance is impacting on your personal life then the chart will direct you to information on a variety of solutions, including; flexible working policies and personal wellbeing services.

Further information about work-life balance and the range of resources designed to support staff can be found in the NDM Work-Life Balance Booklet. You may also wish to view our work-life balance podcast.

We encourage you to contact your local HR Team or your group leader/ line-manager if you have any further questions or concerns regarding your work-life balance.







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Career Progression

Careers Service Sessions