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The Reward and Recognition Scheme for academic-related and support staff was introduced in 2013 and has two elements:

  • an annual gathered field review, the Awards for Excellence Scheme, at departmental level, awarding incremental payments within a simplified framework; AND
  • Recognition Scheme, under which smaller, more timely awards (£200 before tax in all cases) can be made at departmental level to recognise one-off, outstanding contributions at any time of the year.

Recognition Scheme - open for nominations

The University Recognition Scheme provides for £200 awards to be made at Departmental level to reward "one-off", outstanding contributions by staff (grades 1-10) throughout the year.  Nominations will be considered on a monthly basis - schedule below

Managers may nominate an individual or a team for consideration under the recognition scheme by completing the form below. The details will be received by the Head of HR (NDM) for consideration by the Head of Department and the Associate Head of Department (Academic Support & Finance). Full details of the scheme and its operation within NDM are available in Personnel Circular PERS (13)09 and the NDM Guidance (available below) 

  • No one is to receive a Recognition Award more than once every six months (other forms of recognition, such as the Thank You Board, may be used where further instances of exceptional performance merit recognition) 
  • Team awards are permitted, but no group larger than a team should receive them as they are meant to reward exceptional performance. Therefore, awards should not be made to entire sections / sub-faculties etc.
  • Staff must have six months continuous university service to qualify for a nomination

Nominate hereNDM online Recognition Nomination form 

 NDM guidance and monthly nomination deadline schedule 2023

University Reward and Recognition Policy


Full details on the NDM process and university policy are available below.  

 The review period being considered is 1 January 2021- 31 December 2021. Nominated staff need to have been employed by the University since 1 July 2021 to be considered. Please be aware that there is no flexibility on this date.

All manager nominations must be submitted using the online form below by 5 pm (UK time) on 9 May 2022.  Self-nominations should be sent directly to  by the same deadline, using the word form below.  Manager comments on this self-nomination form are mandatory. 

NDM Excellence Awards - Process and Deadlines

University’s full policy on excellence awards

Examples of Excellence

** Update July 2022**  All outcomes have now been confirmed and circulated in writing.

To confirm the NDMS Excellence Awards panel membership was as follows: 

Professor Richard Cornall, (HoD), Professor Yvonne Jones (Deputy HoD), Darren Nash (Assoc HoD), Bron Mrguerie de Rotrou (DFO), Ed Gibbs (DFO),  and Elena Mc Philbin (HoHR),