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Mentoring and Coaching can be highly valuable tools for your development and progression. The right approach for you will depend on your individual needs at any point in time. For more information about the two different approaches please see the People & Organisational Development’s dedicated Mentoring and Coaching website pages.

We would encourage all line managers to complete the People & Organisational Development course Coaching Skills for Managers (you will need your single sign on details to view the course listing pages).


Choosing the right mentoring scheme for you

Mentoring can be a hugely effective tool in the support of your development, and in helping you to reach your potential. Mentoring is designed to provide you with the space to reflect on practice, assist you with problem solving and enhance your understanding. It can provide a forum to discuss your career aspirations and help you to map out a career pathway. For any staff group, within your work team or unit there may be an opportunity to join a mentoring scheme. We would recommend that you explore the options below. Mentoring may also be something you would like to raise at your Personal Development Review.

There are a number of mentoring schemes, or programmes that contain a mentoring component, which are available to staff and students within NDM. As part of our Athena SWAN action plan we are focusing our efforts on expanding the opportunities for all staff to benefit from a mentoring scheme. We are hoping staff within NDM will take the opportunity to participate.

For more information on each of the schemes, and to help you choose the right one for you, please click on any of the links below:

Academic Leadership

For Academic Related, Administrative, Support and Technical StafF

  • Connecting with people - Active professional networks (internal and external), forums and conferences for Professional Services staff.
  • MSD mentoring circles for professional, support, and technical staff (under review)
  • Career Support Network Support for job applications and interviews for internal posts
  • Ask your Business Manager about unit level mentoring opportunities

Research Staff

For Women

  • Step Forward  Careers Service one day personal development workshops for women
  • OxWEST – Oxford Women in Engineering, Science & Technology

For Students

  • You will be allocated a mentor when you arrive. Please speak to your Graduate Studies Manager if you have any queries at all.

For BME Staff

  • BIPOC STEM Network - University-wide STEM network for research staff, academic staff, and postgraduates that identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) or BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic). 


Coaches create an environment in which a coachee considers an issue that challenges them and where they wish to make progress. The value of coaching is that it allows an individual to work with an objective, impartial “thinking partner” who will enable them to focus on the issues that are important to them and to arrive at self-generated solutions.

The University has, during 2018, launched a Coaching Network. The Network is offering coaching to all staff groups to add to the range of mentoring/personal development support services offered to staff in the University. Oxford University Coaching network (OCN) is made up of University staff who hold coaching qualifications or training, who offer their time on a voluntary basis within their working hours to coach colleagues working in other parts of the University. The network is administered and quality assured by People & Organisational Development (POD).

Further information and details on how to access the network available please visit POD’s Coaching Network pages.