Dona Foster
My current job title is Project Manager with Professor Crook in the Modernising Medical Microbiology group. The role mainly consists of supporting the group with their work on improvements in infectious disease diagnostic methods and detection of antimicrobial resistance to antibiotics, and leading on public engagement and involvement.
Previously, I worked in medical microbiology diagnostics and as a lecturer in Microbiology and Infection Prevention Control.
I have four children and have always worked around school hours. However, my recent work pattern has changed due to illness that meant I was away from work for several months. On coming back, my manager agreed that I could work from home one day a week and to a reduction on hours from 37 to 30. He has also been flexible about medical appointments that are ongoing.
The HR department have been helpful in redrafting my contract. This process has meant coming back to work has not been stressful and that the side effects of treatment, such as fatigue, are manageable. The department has been very supportive during a difficult time.
Written in March 2019