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  1. Schedule a time with your line manager to conduct your PDR.
  2. Prepare for your PDR  Login | NDM PDR ( You will need your SSO.  The PDR form is designed to provide structure and guidance to support your discussion

How to complete the online PDR form

  • The reviewee should complete both Looking Back & Looking Forward tabs  at least one week ahead of scheduled PDR meeting Note: Future objectives and training needs are draft at this stage as they will be finalised on discussion with the reviewer.
  • The reviewee must click share to send the form to their reviewer at least one week in advance of the PDR.
  • The reviewer can then add comments to the form.  Ahead of the meeting the comments can be shared with the reviewee by clicking share or can be kept as draft to amend during or after the meeting by clicking ‘close’.
  • After the meeting final comments and amendments should be made and both reviewer and reviewee need to click share again AND ‘Sign Off’.
  • Both reviewer and reviewee need to tick ‘Sign Off’ to agree the PDR is complete.

Simitive user guides are available:

We highly recommend you review these guides especially if you are accessing Simitive for the first time.  If you have any feedback regarding the guides,  please contact  Learning & Development 

Guide for Reviewee

Guide for Reviewer

Videos also available.  See Key Links on main page

A PDR process flow diagram is also available

Your PDR should be completed in Simitive no later than 30 June 2023.
