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  1. If you need to check when you last had a PDR, please contact the Learning & Development team, they will be able to help you.
  2. In accordance with GDPR compliance, we would like to advise that we may be required to report some general information about all PDR’s conducted as part of the department's commitment to Athena SWAN.
  3. Clinical staff who are reviewed by the Trust are encouraged to also have an NDM PDR.  Clinicians will need to refer to the Clinical Care website, for details on statutory and mandatory training, appraisal and revalidation.
  4. A PDR should not be carried out for new staff on probation, or students.
  5. For staff that recently completed probation, the first PDR will be due 12 months following the final probation meeting.
  6. NDM Learning contract statement.
We have produced an FAQs document to support the new online system, which you may find useful.

Please contact Sarah Spruytenburg on ext 12922 or Lois Nicholas on ext 12946 email: if you have any questions regarding your PDR

For Experimental Medicine PDR queries, contact