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Training and development providers for staff  - Browse the list of providers to find the courses and development opportunities for your role - then visit their websites for more information.

People & Organisational Development (POD) - You may wish to view the Developing Yourself pages on the POD website.

LinkedIn Learning - Oxford’s learning resource that gives you access to hundreds of self-help learning resources. Teach yourself to project manage, build your communication skills, create an effective team and much more.

Learning and development opportunities for professional services staff -  provide an introduction to development at Oxford for professional and administrative staff, including Workshops, courses, programmes and resources.

Personal and career development - Listed here are some of the University departments which offer training and development opportunities to University staff. Staff are encouraged to make the most of these opportunities to enhance their personal and career development.

Careers Service - Researchers and DPhil students may wish to take the opportunity to visit the Careers Service who offer courses, events, and a whole host of resources or attend one of the one-to-one careers sessions . Appointments can be used for exploring career options, guidance in making decisions, improving CVs, cover letters and applications, preparing for and practicing interviews and addressing any other career-related needs.