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Further information

The information below provides information surrounding other policies related to working flexibly. 

  • Details on the university formal flexible working policy are available here 
  • Employees guide to applying for formal flexible working, including forms are available here
  • NDM Parents and Carers gateway available here .  The intention of this page is to provide links to all the information and resources, in one place, which may be useful for staff who are considering starting a family, are expecting, have children of any age or if they are a carer. 
  • The universities working from home guidance is available here -  This page provides information for managers about setting up working from home arrangements for employees, and managing and supporting remote workers
  • NDM actively promotes the provision of a family friendly working environment. The University of Oxford recognises the demands on work life balance and offers a range of family friendly policies and practices 
  • Flexible Retirement – Flexible retirement allows employees, with approval, to achieve a mix of retirement and continuity at work. For further details, including information on eligibility and the application process, can be found here.
  • Return from Maternity Leave – An employee may wish to return to work after maternity leave on a phased return using accrued annual leave or make a flexible working request. University guidance can be found here and you are encouraged to discuss any queries with HR and your Business Manager .