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Training and development for Managers 

Mandatory Training

All new staff must complete the Information Security online training course annually

Mandatory training for managers during probation also includes:

-          Implicit Bias

-          Equality and Diversity

-          Challenging Behaviour

-          If you will be chairing interview panels, you must also complete the Recruitment and Selection training every three years.

All the above can all be found through the People & Organisational Development (POD)  POD course list.

The Managing People online course along with other useful management training resources can be accessed here  

Additional Training Opportunities for managers

As a manager, you are encouraged to take advantage of the broader training opportunities available to you, to enhance your own personal development. 

POD (People and Organisational Development) provides courses to develop personal effectiveness, and leadership, and management skills. The full course listing can be viewed here and includes courses such as Difficult Conversations;’ ‘Feedback Conversations’ and ‘Time Management.’ 

POD’s New Manager’s Toolkit

The new managers toolkit, developed by POD, provides short guides on topics that are relevant to all managers such as Buying Goods and Services, Managing Probation and Using the right management style. Although suggested for new managers, all those who have management responsibilities will find this resource useful.

As part of this resource, there is also the New Manager’s Induction, Pathway and Toolkit. This feeds into the New Manager’s Development Pathway which covers the first 12 months in a role, for those new to managing or new to Oxford.

Coaching/Mentoring for Managers

POD run an online Coaching Skills for Managers workshop (SSO needed). Coaching is a highly effective approach for personal development. This workshop introduces you to the role and benefit of coaching and when and how coaching skills can support line management practice.

POD also facilitate coaching networks and mentoring schemes at Oxford University which would be beneficial to all staff. These pages also give helpful guidance on finding a mentor independently and what things to consider in an informal mentoring arrangement.

Mentoring and Coaching — Working for NDM (

People Managers’ Mailing List and Network

As a manager, you can subscribe to the People Managers’ Mailing List (link listed under “opportunities for all”) to keep you informed of relevant opportunities and resources to support you in your line management role. You can also join the People Managers’ Network via MS Teams (link listed under “opportunities for all”)

Focus On People

This portal aims to support and develop people in professional and administrative roles in the University. This includes professional development support, career planning resources and signposting to professional networks.