NDM contacts
The NDM Strategic team & Unit Administration- This page will give you all the contact the details for the NDM Strategic team and details of who is responsible for the Business Management/Unit Administration for each unit across NDM.
The full team structure and contact details are available via this NDM HR page. The team are based on the first floor of the Quad Offices in the Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics.
The HR team has an open-door policy and therefore all NDM staff have automatic access to the Wellcome Centre via their University card during normal office hours. It is not necessary to announce to reception that you are coming to see HR. You may also arrange to meet any member of HR staff by contacting them by email, Teams or phone. This is a mobile and outward facing service. Team members are more than happy to meet in your building/office at a convenient time - there is no expectation that you need to come to us.
Standard office hours for the HR team are 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday but many team members work flexibly and may therefore be available outside of these hours.
NDM Finance team - This page will provide you with contact details for NDM Finance shared service who to contact along with FAQs and forms you may need
NDM Grants - The NDM Head of Grant Management is Gem Brown (gem.brown@ndm.ox.ac.uk)
Internal —Nuffield Department of Medicine (ox.ac.uk) - contains contact details for Academic Programmes Centre, NDM Web Team, Information Governance etc.
Institutes, Centres & Units — Nuffield Department of Medicine (ox.ac.uk) takes you to the web pages of all the Units, Centres and Institutes within NDM