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There are a vast number of training and development resources available to all University staff. The NDM Learning and Development team regularly publish a schedule of events and opportunities on the NDM Training & Development webpages. Additionally, individual Units will hold local events so do look out for communication surrounding those within your Unit.

The People and Organisational Development (POD) service offers a number of courses and opportunities for all staff. This includes a number of eLearning opportunities.

Oxford University also has a subscription to LinkedIn Learning which provides a variety of online learning opportunities for free.


All staff in probation will need to complete some mandatory training courses, ideally in the first few weeks of their job starting and before their final probation review meeting. More details and links to the courses can be found on the NDM Probation webpage.

Additionally, all staff must carry out the Information Security and Data Privacy Awareness training annually. It is available here.


NDM may be able to provide support for training, such as financial support or study leave for staff working towards a relevant qualification. Where such support is offered, a training agreement must be approved in writing. Please discuss this with your business manager and the Learning and Development team in the first instance.

Additionally, the University offers Apprenticeship programmes to provide professional training and development opportunities for University staff. These courses are funded by the Apprenticeship Levy and cover a wide range of skill areas of University administration. All courses are accredited and offer professional, job-related qualifications. Information sessions are run regularly and can be booked here.


Mentoring and Coaching can be hugely beneficial for both yourself and those you line manage. POD has a number of schemes available and also provides guidance on things to consider when finding a mentor informally. You may want to take the opportunity to discuss mentoring and coaching during a PDR.

There are a number of mentoring schemes, or programmes that contain a mentoring component, which are available to staff. Further details can be found on the NDM Coaching and Mentoring pages

We also recommend all line managers complete the Coaching Skills for Managers course, run by POD. You will need to use your Single Sign On details to access the course listing pages.


There are a vast number of career development resources available to staff. The Training and Development webpages on the NDM website are an excellent starting point to see what is available.

The NDM Learning and Development Centre for Excellence also produces a document quarterly with various Career Development events run across the University, in addition to links to resources available. This will be circulated to the whole department via email but it can also be downloaded here

For managers, POD have a number of very useful resources to support you in developing your staff.


The Careers Service offers support to research staff through various opportunities, resources and events. They are available to offer 1:1 support by appointment and research-specific workshops to help with career decision making and your next steps within your career.


You may be required to undertake some training for particular responsibilities for instance in the Labs, this training will be organised by your local building support team/Lab management

In order to access certain University systems you may be required to do some specific training such as PeopleXD (HR systems)  Oracle - Finance Training etc..

Finance Training To gain access to mandatory training for system access and additional finance training.

HRIS Training To gain access to PeopleXD

Recruitment and Selection Training Available through POD.


There are a number of training providers across the university which include:

People and Organisational Development POD runs a wide variety of courses for staff in addition to providing development resources and facilitating mentoring and coaching

Centre for Teaching and Learning Provides courses and programmes to support teaching at Oxford University

Skills training within Medical Sciences Division Provides training to MSD Research students and staff to improve communication, research and teaching skills in addition to furthering career development

Careers Service Offers career advice and runs events for research staff looking to develop their careers

Research Support Provides training for researchers and research administrators.

Research Services support for researchers for careers and funding 

IT Training Offers a range of IT training for University staff, students and academics.

Information Security – Mandatory training that must be completed annually

Equality and Diversity Unit E&D training provided online and face-to-face

Safety Office Provides guidance and training on health and safety

Language Centre Hub for all staff and students who want to learn a language