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Leaving the department/university 

Resignation in NDM

Notice periods: will be set out in an employees contract of employment. In summary:

  • Support and Technical staff in Grades 1-5 are required to provide one week’s notice if in probation and one month notice if outside of probation.
  • Academic and Academic-Related staff in Grades 6-10 and Clinical E Grade staff are required to provide one month’s notice if in probation and three months' if outside of probation.
  • If a member of your team resigns you have discretion to agree the leaving date which can be less than the contractual notice period if acceptable and can be accommodated.

Any queries relating to notice periods and leaving dates should be directed to HR Operations team

The process:

resignation letter or email – An employee must supply their line manager a written notice to terminate (resignation) in line with their specified notice period. It is the line managers responsibility to ensure HR are notified of the resignation. You should send the email/letter to HR Operations team and confirm the agreed leaving date.

HR will respond to the employee by email to confirm receipt and acceptance of resignation and will append a leavers form for the employee to complete and arrange a suitable time for an exit interview to be carried out. The leavers form will collect information such as forwarding address, equipment that needs to be returned etc. An example of the form can be found here. If any other data needs to be collected, please let HR know.  

Annual leave - Once the leaving date has been agreed, HR will update the employee's annual leave balance to provide a pro-rata annual leave entitlement to the employee. The employee should then ensure their leave is requested via employee self-service before the agreed leaving date. If transferring to another University department, it is not possible for outstanding leave to be paid. However, if someone is leaving the University and there is a justifiable reason to why it is not possible for all the leave to be taken, then you as the line manager can request payment for outstanding leave with the Unit Administrator/Business Manager’s approval. If approved this will be paid with the final salary. 

Exit interviews HR Operations will arrange to carry out an exit interview with the employee

P60's - We encourage anyone who is leaving to log on to employee self-service before their end date to download any copies of payslips and P60's that they might need.

P45 & final payslip - The final payslip and P45 will be issued in paper form and sent to the home address (or the address the leaver has requested this to be forwarded to).

University card/IT accessOn a leaver’s last day of employment, they should return their university card and any belongings to you as the line manager.

No later than on the employee's last day the card office are notified by HR that the employee is leaving the department/University and for the University card to be stopped. This will then stop access to buildings and systems. If you wish the employee to maintain access to buildings/systems as a visitor, then please refer to the visitor section of this managers toolkit recruitment and onboarding

End of fixed term contracts

See the Managing contracts section of NDM managers toolkit


Employees may choose to retire in accordance with the rules of their pension scheme, or the University may request them to retire in accordance with university policy. 

The Employee Relations Partner manages this process by identifying those staff that are due to become eligible for retirement and will be in contact with them at the relevant time. Further guidance is available on the university websiteRetirement | HR   Support ( 

Please ensure your Business Manager is aware of retirement plans as the HoD may need to be consulted.